5 Tips for Creating A New Relationship with Your Body Post-Pregnancy

Having a baby is a pretty amazing and wild experience, wouldn’t you agree? I realize for some of us, carrying a child may not be all sunshine and rainbows – it certainly wasn’t for me! Nausea and heartburn were a regular daily occurrence in both pregnancies! Aside from all of that uncomfortableness, I wouldn’t change a thing. I feel so incredibly lucky and blessed to be able to have children, knowing fully well that some of us cannot. That is why I’ve decided I need to stop focusing on what I don’t like about myself and start rooting for what I do like – if not for me than for the little mini Me’s in my life who now look to me for guidance, support and love. A healthy body image, body love, body confidence, whatever you want to call it, is hard to come by for a large majority of us out there – men and women, young and old. You don’t have to have an eating disorder to have a distorted body image, or even just a little body dislike. Being unsatisfied with your body is a lot more common than you might think. I’ve gone through both ends of the spectrum, and after having had my second baby, I am struggling even still to stay away from that dark place in my mind. It is a process, but it is one that I’m willing to keep pushing through until I get it right. If you’re like me, and had a baby in the not so distant past, think of this time in your life as a fresh start – an opportunity to create a completely new relationship with your body; A time to hit the refresh button and get reacquainted with her in a totally different way. Remind yourself this takes time, practice and patience. It takes a small willingness to want to see things differently and make a change. Sometimes we get stuck in repetitive patterns in our mind – ways of thinking that might not serve our best interests. It’s up to you to re-route these patterns and create new paths and roadways that support a happier, healthier mindset around the relationship with your body.

Body Image | Body Love | Body Positivity | Body Acceptance | Self-Love | Self-Care | Self-Worth | Personal Growth | Development | Embodiment | Post Pregnancy | Moms


Thank your body for supporting you through your pregnancy and getting you safely through labor/delivery. Thank her for creating, growing, and protecting this beautiful, miraculous being inside of you for nine months. Thank her for keeping you strong and resilient enough to have the ability to give your child sustenance almost immediately after giving birth.

Fill out a thank you card and tape it to a mirror, nightstand, or somewhere you frequently pass by, as a reminder to feel gratitude rather than disgust toward your body. Read it as often as you’d like throughout the day.


Get into your body. Feel what it’s like to be fully inhabiting your physical body. What do I mean by this? To put it simply, when we are spending most of our time obsessing over how much we dislike ourselves and are constantly thinking of ways we can “fix” this, that or the other thing, it takes us out of the present moment and into some future, non-existent time that we sadly long for. We end up missing out on the beauty and wonder that is already right in front of us. It’s time to live in the moment and celebrate and honor the perfectly imperfect beings that we already are. The healing power of touch is a great place to start. Take some time every day, either in the shower, in front of a mirror, or before you go to sleep at night and gently place your hands on your belly and/or whatever parts of your body you aren’t happy with. A light massage also works! Practice having compassion for these physical parts. Send love and positive energy their way. You can also try this through meditation.

Once you have gotten in touch with your body in an entirely new, personal way, you can begin to incorporate joyful movement into your daily/weekly routine. It is very easy, especially for me, to fall back into a trap of “needing” to excessively exercise when I’m feeling extra uncomfortable in my skin. More often than not, losing baby weight is the main concern for mother’s everywhere after giving birth. I urge you to pull yourself away from this mindless mentality, and instead focus your attention on giving your physical body the movement it craves and deserves in order to fully thrive. This could look like a walk in nature, yoga, dance, gentle running, tai chi, hiking, etc. It really can be any form of movement that makes you feel alive, invigorated and peaceful all at the same time. It is not meant to challenge you, give you stress, pain or aggravation. It is not meant to help you burn fat and calories and punish you for eating dessert. It is simply to allow you the beautiful opportunity to embody – fully and completely – and experience true joy in your own skin.


See the relationship you have with your body as a mirror image of the relationship your child will one day have with their body. If you are constantly berating and putting yourself down, your child will most likely do the same. If you are criticizing your weight/shape or talking negatively about food, your child will eventually repeat the same behavior and adopt the same mindset, leading to thoughts of insecurity and self-doubt. Please, set an example – it’s not just about you anymore. What you put out into the Universe will be reflected back to you in some way, shape or form, and it may not be in the way you would expect, I.E. through your child. Teach your kids love, self-respect, self-worth and beauty from the inside out. Teach them to see and celebrate the beauty and uniqueness in others and show them how to uplift and inspire them as well. Demonstrate to your loved ones how amazing it feels to be yourself, to be free.


I know self-care is a buzz topic these days, but there’s a lot of truth to the power of caring for self. After having a baby it is completely normal to feel tired and blah – A.K.A not your best self, especially if you had surgery or went through a really tough labor. That being said, it is time my friends to pamper and invest in yourself and make ZERO apologies for it. The miracle of birth is just that – a miracle. I think that alone entitles you to spoil yourself a little bit extra, wouldn’t you agree?! Also, I find that it’s quite difficult to give our children the attention and presence they need from us if we are feeling down in the dumps. It is also tough to make friends with your body if you aren’t giving it the love and attention it rightfully deserves. At the very least, take 30 minutes a day to focus on you and you alone, even if that means drinking wine while you’re in the shower! 😉

Here’s a list of self-care ideas that I think you’ll find mighty helpful and enticing:

  1. Get your hair done; New haircut/color. Google your most favorite actor and be a copycat! I’m sure she/he would be totally flattered!
  2. Shop in-store or online for some new clothes/shoes! Feeling guilty? Go through your closet and give all pieces you no longer like/wear to goodwill! This will make plenty of room for the new goods! Option 2: Try a clothing service like Stitch Fix OR go the extra mile and hire a personal stylist at your local department store.
  3. Get a manicure/pedicure! Consider finding a salon that carries non-toxic/eco-friendly nail polish, or purchase your own, such as Ella + Mila.
  4. Take a weekly bubble bath!
  5. Try new makeup, or better yet join a monthly makeup service, like Birchbox. Option 2: Call-up a babysitter and treat yourself to a night out with your gal pals or significant other, and go get your makeup professionally done!
  6. Hire a cook a few times a month OR try a food delivery service like Blue Apron or HelloFresh.
  7. Find a cleaning service to clean your house from top to bottom once or twice a month.
  8. Consider re-vamping your pantry and swapping toxic products for plant-based/organic options: soap, shampoo, deodorant, cleaning sprays/wipes, etc.
  9. Schedule in bi-weekly massages or have a fun spa day with your best girlfriends!
  10. Scope out a local holistic wellness center and have a reiki session done, and/or an angel reading! After all, your guardian angels are always surrounding and supporting you through the good, the bad and all of the in-between.



Keep your heart and soul happy – let creativity, passion and purpose be a driving force behind a better relationship with yourself, and in this case, your physical body. When my son was born a little over two years ago, something sparked inside of me. It was a feeling of, “I must be here for something more”. Now don’t get me wrong, having a baby alone gives you a greater purpose, but this was different. I felt as if I wanted to make my son proud on a whole different level. That is when my health coaching and healing journey began. I’ve struggled with body image issues almost all of my life, and I knew becoming a mother was an invitation to step into the next phase of my life. A phase where I evolved into a better version of myself. Becoming a health coach wasn’t the answer to all of my problems, but it did give me an incredible amount of joy, hope and love. I finally found answers to questions I’d been carrying around from a very confusing and scary time in my life. Ultimately though, it gave me a deeper reason for being because I realized I could help others struggling in a very similar way. It connected me to my true essence.

Make a list of all dreams, hopes, desires, wants, curiosities, anything and everything you’ve ever thought about, considered, pondered, questioned, or secretly longed for. Can’t come up with a list? It’s simple. Ask yourself, what is it that truly makes me feel like me? What makes me feel comfortable in my own skin? What gives me a sense of belonging and pure joy? What makes me feel connected to something greater? Maybe your true purpose in life is to be an excellent mother, nurturer and caregiver. It might be that you are meant to write a life-changing book, or that you should pursue a singing or acting career, or start an A Capella group like The Barden Bellas! It might be that you are meant to volunteer at an animal shelter or local hospital. On a smaller scale, maybe you have this deep yearning to take a French cuisine cooking class, or learn about 16th century Spain. Whatever little whispers you might have, don’t ignore them! Take those chances, step out of your comfort zone, be YOU and OWN IT! I realize with kids in the picture, free time is extremely hard to come by, but I promise you that when you start taking steps to becoming a more evolved version of yourself, the Universe will give you the time you need to make it happen. It might not be on your ideal timeline, but rest assured it will be. You will begin to feel more confident than ever before, and the worries about your physical imperfections will slowly start to drift further and further into the background. Why? Easy – you are allowing yourself to be authentically you. Creating a new, happier relationship with your body is inevitable.

My Body is Changing, and I’m Okay with That.

Hello fellow Hummingbird Food-ers! It’s been a while, eh? Well, all I can say is sometimes life throws some curve balls at you, things shift and change, and that’s just the way it is. It’s all good though, because a little hummingbird once told me, CHANGE IS GOOD! 😉 

Body Image | Body Love | Body Positivity | Body Acceptance | Self-Love | Self-Care | Self-Worth | Personal Growth | Development | Embodiment

Good news… I’m pregnant with my second little babe! My husband and I are BEYOND excited to meet our new bundle of joy. Needless to say, life has been hectic and most days are spent just getting through the day in one piece. My son, who is now almost 2, always keeps us on our toes. Being tired has become a normal part of my day!

Okay, enough complaining! I am truly grateful for my family and what is to come, regardless of my tiredness and semi-swollen ankles 😉

As you can imagine, the topic of conversation in my life lately is my pregnancy, but more specifically – my changing body. It is hard to walk into a store these days without getting a second glance at my growing belly, or a kind stranger lending out a helping hand when they see me reaching for something high on the grocery store shelf. 

Then the questions follow… When are you due? Boy or girl? How are you feeling? Any other kids at home? 

Then the comments follow… a 1.5 year old? You must be exhausted! How do you do it? Just wait until the other one comes, you’ll forget what relaxation feels like! You look great! Your bump is adorable! What’s your secret? 


People mean well, I understand. But sometimes a pregnant gal just wants to be pregnant in peace. 

This leads me to the purpose of this post! I believe you are all familiar at this point with what my company is all about, and my personal history of body image/eating struggles. That being said, here I find myself, pregnant for the second time, 6 months as of today, and I feel HUGE. I feel uncomfortable (most of the time), my clothes fit weird, AND eating has become a strange thing for me these days with the heartburn, gas, nausea and food aversions that creep in occassionaly. Sleeping? Forget sleeping! That stage has made its debut. 

The funny thing is, for the first time in my life, despite all of this, I am truly okay with my body changing.

Thinking back a few years ago when I was pregnant with my son, I constantly critiqued and criticized myself on a daily basis. Mean thoughts constantly circulated in my mind. I would then find myself complaining to others how GROSS I felt…endlessly making fat jokes – laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside. 

I couldn’t handle my expanding body. All day long, thoughts of disgust consumed my brain, completely taking me away from the beautiful experience of creating and carrying another human being in my body. 

Instead of just being grateful for my little miracle, and reveling in the awesomeness of making a tiny human, I was more concerned about what people thought of me, meticulously planning out an exercise routine that I would begin as soon as I was physically able after my son’s birth – ready and raring to “fix” and change myself.  

I paid the price, I will tell you that.

My son was born and life was crazy. The usual sleepless nights and energy-draining days ensued. A typical day consisted of household tasks getting pushed aside, and dishes and dirty laundry piling up. And still, the only thought on my mind was, WHEN CAN I WORK OUT?!

Once I deemed myself ready to get back into it, I pushed. I pushed hard. I pushed so hard, that eventually my body started to fight back. Aching muscles and little pains started to creep in. I would rest for a bit and then jump right back in, with the sole intention of LOSING THE BABY WEIGHT! The sacred joy of movement became an activity that was only for my son and I on our lovely nature strolls together.

When it was just me, myself and I, it was all – no pain, no gain. 

I continued this type of behavior for a little over a year. Finally, my body reached a point of exhaustion. The abuse I placed on it, ignoring cues of over-exercise, caused her to put her metaphorical hand in the air and say:


Message received. Back in high school I fractured my sacrum from a running/fall situation. About 15 years later I re-injured the same thing. I have not worked out in any way, shape, or form (unless you count getting a “Mother-to-be” massage), since the beginning of October when I found out I was pregnant. 

That’s right folks, I have not worked out in almost 5 months. And ya know what? I’m totally okay with that. 

I honestly believe my body was sending me a message with this latest injury. I also believe my baby-to-be is a message from the Universe, teaching me how to truly LOVE, not just another, but myself. 

I’ve been working hard to forgive myself and show my body gratitude for all of the years it supported me while I abused it, but I haven’t reached love status just yet. However, I can tell you that I feel closer than ever.

On occasion, I find myself sinking back into a toxic mindset, but there is something that simply doesn’t feel right about that way of thinking anymore. I guess you can say, it no longer resonates with me to say negative and verbally abusive words about my self and my body.

I feel above the nonsense. 

Yes, I’m looking “fat” these days, and my ankles are beginning to swell, and my thighs are touching, and my arms jiggle.


I am so grateful for my son and for our little miracle on the way, and that is all I am concerned with. Will I be critical and self-conscious about myself once the baby is born and I look into the mirror for the first time? Possibly, but I’m okay with that. Why? Because I feel more confident than ever that any negative thoughts I encounter moving forward will disappear as quickly as they popped into my mind.

It feels like a never-ending pursuit at times, this search for true body acceptance and love, but so be it! I’m determined and dedicated to loving my self and my body, unconditionally. I will not give up. I will not abandon myself any longer. Enough is enough.

I’m ready to accept, respect and love what I’ve been given, and teach my children to do the same. 

My body is changing, and I’m okay with that. <3

Have you experienced something similar? Perhaps like me, you are also on the endless pursuit of body acceptance and love. I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below! We are all in this together, right?

I wish you a lovely and nourishing day! xoxo

DIY Soul Sprinkles Box!

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers


I present to you… 

the DIY Soul Sprinkles Box!


If you’ve stumbled upon this page and are completely confused as to what the heck Soul Sprinkles are, please read this post first, and then come back and join us over here once you’re all caught up!

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers


As you hopefully already know, Soul Sprinkles, A.K.A.: Sprinklings Of Love For The Soul, are so incredibly special to me that I believe it is only right to give them the respect and honor they truly deserve. How do I do this? You probably already guessed it – I keep them in a small treasure keeper box

Now some of you may be thinking, “What if my soul sprinkles don’t fit into a small box, or what if they aren’t a physical object at all?

Quick Answer: That’s totally fine! I say if it’s an issue of not enough space, either make multiple boxes OR find a really large one, like a giant treasure chest! 🙂 If the issue is that it is a smell, a person, a thought, a song or something to that effect, it’s totally understandable you won’t be able to box those items up – no worries! This is simply a fun, beautiful and playful way to hold your most special treasures sacred and safe in a cozy, protected space.

ADDED BENEFIT: It’s pretty to look at AND it can be used as house decor!

PLUS PLUS: My version is totally DIY – so it’s cost efficient and gets the creative juices flowing. Overall, it’s a very therapeutic and relaxing experience!  

DIY Soul Sprinkles Box | Vision Display | Theme | Colors | Blue | Gold | Mint | Pink | Paper Flowers | Glitter | Paint

Step 1: Put Together Your Vision Ensemble 

As you see here, I decided to create what you might know as a “vision board”, but in this case I think “ensemble” is more fitting since I didn’t actually use a board. 

I basically started out by gathering any items that I felt intuitively drawn to – color palettes, styles, design elements, design mediums – you get the idea. Since the hummingbird food brand is built around a lot of pastels in the rose/pink, mint green and periwinkle blue family, I clearly felt called to continue that story through my Soul Sprinkles Box. 

It’s important to note here, I didn’t use every single item I purchased for this box. I created a look and feel and went from there. The process cannot be forced or rushed, it must be taken slowly and consciously. Your vision ensemble is comprised of the four “I’s”:





Ideas are simply that – any and every idea that pops into your head around your Soul Sprinkles Box! This might mean you feel drawn to create a theme of some sort, or maybe you want to cut your box into funky shapes so that it looks like your favorite spirit animal. I suggest googling some things, going to your favorite craft store, or taking a virtual stroll on Etsy.com and/or Pinterest.com. I almost always find interesting ideas through both of these amazing outlets! Since I knew I was going to be using a considerable amount of craft paint, I ended up purchasing a plain old cardboard gift box from Target.com. The possibilities are endless, my friends! There is no right or wrong answer here, it is all in good old fashioned, magical fun 🙂

Inspiration refers to ALL feelings, knowings, signs/guidance you experience during the collecting phase. As I mentioned, I felt intuitively drawn to certain colors and designs for my box. I knew I wanted to use pastel colors, gold/sparkles and some sort of floral decor. I also knew (from a Pinterest binge a while back) I wanted to include stripes! When you find items that speak to you, don’t second guess yourself – even if these items don’t make sense in the moment. Eventually a clear picture will emerge for your box and you will have a masterpiece on your hands, one that is uniquely beautiful to you and fills your heart and soul exactly as it should. 

Intention is all about the feelings and emotions you weave into your box (literally and figuratively). What I mean by this is, what kind of energy do you want your box to emit into the world? It all depends on the intention you give to it throughout the whole process. In order for your box to fulfill your deepest desire, you must make it with that intention. When coming up with the aesthetic of the hummingbird food brand, “Secret Garden” was the first theme/identity that popped into my head. I knew I wanted my brand to have a sort of antique/vintage feel, with a hint of magic and mysticism, and tons of love, light, femininity, elegance, peace and natural beauty. I suppose when creating my box, this same concept resurfaced in a new way. I wanted to make sure the energy I placed into my box gave off a very similar vibe. 

Here’s a few thoughts around intention:

Do you want your box to feel like a sacred, mystical treasure keeper?; Do you want it to feel like an approachable, conversational piece that sits in the foyer of your home?; Do you want it to give off vibes of love, light and protection?; Do you want your box to inspire others to value and hold space for their own soul sprinkles in their life as well? Do you want your box to shout – “It’s party time!”, OR do you want it to gently sing a quiet, calming hymn of peace and serenity? IT’S ENTIRELY UP TO YOU! 😉

Intuition by definition, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. I like to think of it as my inner voice, or inner bestie – an invisible, majestic force of energy that tells me when something is right and when something is wrong. In the case of your Soul Sprinkles Box, consider it a grand opportunity to practice with and fine-tune your intuition! When you really think about, you are probably using your intuition for every single step – the idea phase, the inspiration phase and the intention phase – without even realizing it! That’s what is so magical about intuition. All you have to do is sit quietly for a few minutes, go within, and ask for signs of how you should create your box, OR simply begin your journey blindly and let your inner bestie guide the way, step-by step. When my inner bestie is trying to come through, I usually just get a slight tingle or chill, almost like a knowing, without knowing what I’m really knowing…if that makes sense! HA!!  

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers

Step 2: Create Your Home-Base 

Once my vision ensemble felt complete (your intuition will tell you), I began creating the base of my box, or what I like to call my “home-base”. Before all the glitz and glam was to be added I needed to create a safe haven for my box, a place that I could always return to and feel comforted knowing it would be there no matter how many do-overs I needed.

As I already mentioned, I knew I wanted to include stripes, so that is exactly where I began. Color by color, stripe by stripe, I slowly but surely made my way over the top, and all four sides of the box, deciding to leave two of the sides one solid color. 

I didn’t question any of my decisions during this process, I truly let my hands and feelings (intuition) guide the way. If you feel like you need more direction or some sort of visual/example to use during this process, by all means please do so! Your unique touch will be a part of your box no matter what route you decide to take! Like I said, I already had a basic visual concept in my head from Pinterest, which gave me enough inspiration to begin – but I tried to rely on my own taste and pleasure more so than anything else, keeping it as authentically me as possible. Again, this is a perfect opportunity to dust off your inner bestie and ask for direction. I promise you won’t be disappointed! Practice + patience is key, my friends! 

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers

Step 3: Let Your Intuition Do The Rest!

You may be thinking, “Where did you get that beautiful flower”?!?!? I purposely waited until the end to speak of this flower because it is my ABSOLUTE favorite part about the box and I felt it deserved extra special attention! 

When I first started gathering all of the items for my box I knew I wanted to include florals in some way. I searched high and low, desperately trying to fall in love with something, continuously coming up empty handed. It wasn’t until I decided to listen to my inner bestie and gave Etsy a try. As soon as I began my search, a vibrant, whimsical floral design graced me with its presence on my computer screen. I was lucky enough to come across the exquisitely beautiful work of Renee Ferguson through her company, Dream Events in Paper. I formed an instant attraction with her elegant art, and knew in that moment it was a true love, soul-connection. Renees’ flower made the perfect finishing touch for my Soul Sprinkles Box, allowing it to come together in the exact way I had envisioned – a Magical Secret Garden Miracle!

If anyone is looking for gorgeous, amazingly crafted paper flowers, Renee is your girl. Please check out her page if you get a chance!  Dream Events in Paper 

I cannot say this enough – allow your intuition to truly guide you through this entire process, my friends. Rest assured that whatever unique creation you are able to manifest, will be exactly what is meant to be a representation of your soul, and the love and light that you embody. Don’t doubt yourself and your choices for one second! It is not about perfection, in fact it is ALL about being perfectly imperfect and loving and embracing your Soul Sprinkles Box as a WHOLE! Smudges, marks, un-even lines, unwanted squiggles, cuts, tears or creases – these little imperfections are what make your box so powerfully unique and true to you. LOVE IT UP, DOWN, AND ALL AROUND!

Please share your awesome creation with the rest of the hummingbird food community! – #soulsprinkles #sprinkleasoulwithlove. Make sure to tag: Instagram @hummingbirdfood, Facebook @hummingbirdfood2, Twitter @hummbirdfood !!!

Always remember to keep your intentions pure and authentic throughout this entire experience because that is exactly what you will create. Fill this beautiful box with your grandest soul treasures, deepest secrets and most sacred desires. Allow yourself to pour your love and light into your Soul Sprinkles Box, knowing that in some way, shape or form, you are spreading love and light to the rest of the world too. 

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers


5-Day Nourishment Experiment

  What is Nourishment? I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of nourishment, and what this word truly represents. I think…