DIY Soul Sprinkles Box!

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers


I present to you… 

the DIY Soul Sprinkles Box!


If you’ve stumbled upon this page and are completely confused as to what the heck Soul Sprinkles are, please read this post first, and then come back and join us over here once you’re all caught up!

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers


As you hopefully already know, Soul Sprinkles, A.K.A.: Sprinklings Of Love For The Soul, are so incredibly special to me that I believe it is only right to give them the respect and honor they truly deserve. How do I do this? You probably already guessed it – I keep them in a small treasure keeper box

Now some of you may be thinking, “What if my soul sprinkles don’t fit into a small box, or what if they aren’t a physical object at all?

Quick Answer: That’s totally fine! I say if it’s an issue of not enough space, either make multiple boxes OR find a really large one, like a giant treasure chest! 🙂 If the issue is that it is a smell, a person, a thought, a song or something to that effect, it’s totally understandable you won’t be able to box those items up – no worries! This is simply a fun, beautiful and playful way to hold your most special treasures sacred and safe in a cozy, protected space.

ADDED BENEFIT: It’s pretty to look at AND it can be used as house decor!

PLUS PLUS: My version is totally DIY – so it’s cost efficient and gets the creative juices flowing. Overall, it’s a very therapeutic and relaxing experience!  

DIY Soul Sprinkles Box | Vision Display | Theme | Colors | Blue | Gold | Mint | Pink | Paper Flowers | Glitter | Paint

Step 1: Put Together Your Vision Ensemble 

As you see here, I decided to create what you might know as a “vision board”, but in this case I think “ensemble” is more fitting since I didn’t actually use a board. 

I basically started out by gathering any items that I felt intuitively drawn to – color palettes, styles, design elements, design mediums – you get the idea. Since the hummingbird food brand is built around a lot of pastels in the rose/pink, mint green and periwinkle blue family, I clearly felt called to continue that story through my Soul Sprinkles Box. 

It’s important to note here, I didn’t use every single item I purchased for this box. I created a look and feel and went from there. The process cannot be forced or rushed, it must be taken slowly and consciously. Your vision ensemble is comprised of the four “I’s”:





Ideas are simply that – any and every idea that pops into your head around your Soul Sprinkles Box! This might mean you feel drawn to create a theme of some sort, or maybe you want to cut your box into funky shapes so that it looks like your favorite spirit animal. I suggest googling some things, going to your favorite craft store, or taking a virtual stroll on and/or I almost always find interesting ideas through both of these amazing outlets! Since I knew I was going to be using a considerable amount of craft paint, I ended up purchasing a plain old cardboard gift box from The possibilities are endless, my friends! There is no right or wrong answer here, it is all in good old fashioned, magical fun 🙂

Inspiration refers to ALL feelings, knowings, signs/guidance you experience during the collecting phase. As I mentioned, I felt intuitively drawn to certain colors and designs for my box. I knew I wanted to use pastel colors, gold/sparkles and some sort of floral decor. I also knew (from a Pinterest binge a while back) I wanted to include stripes! When you find items that speak to you, don’t second guess yourself – even if these items don’t make sense in the moment. Eventually a clear picture will emerge for your box and you will have a masterpiece on your hands, one that is uniquely beautiful to you and fills your heart and soul exactly as it should. 

Intention is all about the feelings and emotions you weave into your box (literally and figuratively). What I mean by this is, what kind of energy do you want your box to emit into the world? It all depends on the intention you give to it throughout the whole process. In order for your box to fulfill your deepest desire, you must make it with that intention. When coming up with the aesthetic of the hummingbird food brand, “Secret Garden” was the first theme/identity that popped into my head. I knew I wanted my brand to have a sort of antique/vintage feel, with a hint of magic and mysticism, and tons of love, light, femininity, elegance, peace and natural beauty. I suppose when creating my box, this same concept resurfaced in a new way. I wanted to make sure the energy I placed into my box gave off a very similar vibe. 

Here’s a few thoughts around intention:

Do you want your box to feel like a sacred, mystical treasure keeper?; Do you want it to feel like an approachable, conversational piece that sits in the foyer of your home?; Do you want it to give off vibes of love, light and protection?; Do you want your box to inspire others to value and hold space for their own soul sprinkles in their life as well? Do you want your box to shout – “It’s party time!”, OR do you want it to gently sing a quiet, calming hymn of peace and serenity? IT’S ENTIRELY UP TO YOU! 😉

Intuition by definition, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning. I like to think of it as my inner voice, or inner bestie – an invisible, majestic force of energy that tells me when something is right and when something is wrong. In the case of your Soul Sprinkles Box, consider it a grand opportunity to practice with and fine-tune your intuition! When you really think about, you are probably using your intuition for every single step – the idea phase, the inspiration phase and the intention phase – without even realizing it! That’s what is so magical about intuition. All you have to do is sit quietly for a few minutes, go within, and ask for signs of how you should create your box, OR simply begin your journey blindly and let your inner bestie guide the way, step-by step. When my inner bestie is trying to come through, I usually just get a slight tingle or chill, almost like a knowing, without knowing what I’m really knowing…if that makes sense! HA!!  

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers

Step 2: Create Your Home-Base 

Once my vision ensemble felt complete (your intuition will tell you), I began creating the base of my box, or what I like to call my “home-base”. Before all the glitz and glam was to be added I needed to create a safe haven for my box, a place that I could always return to and feel comforted knowing it would be there no matter how many do-overs I needed.

As I already mentioned, I knew I wanted to include stripes, so that is exactly where I began. Color by color, stripe by stripe, I slowly but surely made my way over the top, and all four sides of the box, deciding to leave two of the sides one solid color. 

I didn’t question any of my decisions during this process, I truly let my hands and feelings (intuition) guide the way. If you feel like you need more direction or some sort of visual/example to use during this process, by all means please do so! Your unique touch will be a part of your box no matter what route you decide to take! Like I said, I already had a basic visual concept in my head from Pinterest, which gave me enough inspiration to begin – but I tried to rely on my own taste and pleasure more so than anything else, keeping it as authentically me as possible. Again, this is a perfect opportunity to dust off your inner bestie and ask for direction. I promise you won’t be disappointed! Practice + patience is key, my friends! 

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers

Step 3: Let Your Intuition Do The Rest!

You may be thinking, “Where did you get that beautiful flower”?!?!? I purposely waited until the end to speak of this flower because it is my ABSOLUTE favorite part about the box and I felt it deserved extra special attention! 

When I first started gathering all of the items for my box I knew I wanted to include florals in some way. I searched high and low, desperately trying to fall in love with something, continuously coming up empty handed. It wasn’t until I decided to listen to my inner bestie and gave Etsy a try. As soon as I began my search, a vibrant, whimsical floral design graced me with its presence on my computer screen. I was lucky enough to come across the exquisitely beautiful work of Renee Ferguson through her company, Dream Events in Paper. I formed an instant attraction with her elegant art, and knew in that moment it was a true love, soul-connection. Renees’ flower made the perfect finishing touch for my Soul Sprinkles Box, allowing it to come together in the exact way I had envisioned – a Magical Secret Garden Miracle!

If anyone is looking for gorgeous, amazingly crafted paper flowers, Renee is your girl. Please check out her page if you get a chance!  Dream Events in Paper 

I cannot say this enough – allow your intuition to truly guide you through this entire process, my friends. Rest assured that whatever unique creation you are able to manifest, will be exactly what is meant to be a representation of your soul, and the love and light that you embody. Don’t doubt yourself and your choices for one second! It is not about perfection, in fact it is ALL about being perfectly imperfect and loving and embracing your Soul Sprinkles Box as a WHOLE! Smudges, marks, un-even lines, unwanted squiggles, cuts, tears or creases – these little imperfections are what make your box so powerfully unique and true to you. LOVE IT UP, DOWN, AND ALL AROUND!

Please share your awesome creation with the rest of the hummingbird food community! – #soulsprinkles #sprinkleasoulwithlove. Make sure to tag: Instagram @hummingbirdfood, Facebook @hummingbirdfood2, Twitter @hummbirdfood !!!

Always remember to keep your intentions pure and authentic throughout this entire experience because that is exactly what you will create. Fill this beautiful box with your grandest soul treasures, deepest secrets and most sacred desires. Allow yourself to pour your love and light into your Soul Sprinkles Box, knowing that in some way, shape or form, you are spreading love and light to the rest of the world too. 

Soul Sprinkles DIY Box | Photo Collage | Treasure Keeper | Self-Love | Self-Worth | Self-Care | Sprinklings of Love For the Soul | Pastel | Paper Flowers